1 분 소요

하재현 증명사진

JaeHyun Ha, Graduate Student

Contact Information

  • Email :

  • Address: Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea

Areas of Interest

GPU-accelerated database, graph database, cardinality estimation, query optimization


  • B.S. (2018.02 ~ 2022.02) @ POSTECH, South Korea, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering (Summa Cum Laude, Class of 2021: 1st in Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering) (4.06/4.3)


  • Kim, K., Ha, J., Fletcher, G., and Han, W., “Guaranteeing the O(AGM/OUT) Runtime for Uniform Sampling and Size Estimation over Joins” (ACM PODS 2023) (For the first time by Korean)
  • Lee, W. (equal contribution), Ha, J. (equal contribution), Han, W., Park, C., Park, M., Han J., and Lee, J., “DoppelGanger++: Towards Fast Dependency Graph Generation for Database Replay” (ACM SIGMOD 2024)
  • Lee, W. , Ha, J., Han, W., Park, C., Park, M., Han J., and Lee, J., “DoppelGanger++: Towards Fast Dependency Graph Generation for Database Replay” (PVLDB Demo 2024)

Selected Projects

  • EduCOSMOS (Course Project)
    • Implementing the following sub-projects in the COSMOS storage manager
    • Three sub-projects: a buffer manager, an object management and a B+ tree index manager
  • Turbograph-S62
    • Implementing graph DBMS components based on Orca, DuckDB
    • Mainly developed compiler and execution engine

Industry Experience

  • Intern (2020.07 ~ 2020.08) @ SK hynix Inc, Korea
    • Worked on the Digital Platform team: development of a real-time comment overlay technique for SK Hynix


  • POSTECHIAN Fellowship (2022.05, 2023.11)

Teaching Experience


